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What is Magnetic Healing?

The Emotion Code® is a revolutionary healing method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson that utilizes muscle testing, a magnet, and The Emotion Code® Chart to identify and release trapped negative emotions that can greatly affect your overall physical and emotional well-being.

Through muscle testing, your subconscious mind can identify the presence of trapped negative emotions, determine which specific emotion is trapped, and swiftly release it. This simple yet transformative method detects negative emotions stored in your subconscious mind that could date back to your time in the womb. These trapped emotions can cause pain, emotional problems, self-sabotage, and various types of malfunction and disease, including physical pain, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias, and panic attacks. The subconscious mind can be seen as the blueprint to your entire body, and there are a total of 60 negative emotions that can be detected.

Trapped emotions can be caused by a range of events, such as loss of a loved one, job, or status, divorce or relationship problems, chronic stress, financial hardship, physical illness, self-sabotage, negative self-talk, trauma, rejection, betrayal, abandonment, and abuse.

I incorporated The Emotion Code® magnetic energy healing into my practice because of its amazing accuracy and immediate results that my clients have experienced. This powerful method finds and releases trapped negative emotions stored in the body by the subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.

Emotions have a profound effect on the quality of our lives. Low-frequency emotions like fear and anger feel very different from high-frequency emotions like love and gratitude. The latter creates a powerful brain and heart coherence that regulates our nervous system, creates balance, and allows our body to heal.

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