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Usui Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Spiritual Teacher

(732) 500-5709


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Healing Session

Experience the transformative power of energy healing with Wendy Grace, a Usui Reiki Master who incorporates various modalities such as Reiki, Crystals, Magnetic Healing, and more to help you on your healing journey.


Wendy will guide you through a session to help you:

  • Discover Inner Peace: Release stress and find a sense of calmness within yourself.


  • Release Worries, Negative Emotions & Beliefs: Let go of negative emotions, limiting beliefs, and worries that are holding you back from living your life to the fullest.


  • Balance Chakras: Realign your body's energy centers to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.


  • Ease Stress and Addictions: Release tension and stress from your body, and work towards overcoming addictive patterns.


  • Refresh and Relax Your Body: Restore your body's natural balance and rejuvenate yourself physically.


  • Reconnect to Your Soul, Spirituality & Intuition: Connect with your inner self, enhance your intuition, and rediscover your spiritual side.


Wendy offers special rates for babies, children under 12, and pets. Book a session with Wendy today to experience the profound benefits of energy healing.​​

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Intuitive Card Reading

Are you feeling overwhelmed, grieving, stuck, or confused about your life's direction? Maybe everything seems fine, but you still feel like there's something missing, and you're not quite sure what it is. Whatever your situation, Wendy Grace, a Certified Angel Card Reader™, can help you gain clarity and insight to fulfill your life's purpose.

Through her intuitive card readings, Wendy will use all of her gifts to provide you with helpful, hopeful, and healing messages from your guides. You can ask her your most pressing questions, and she will offer clear guidance on possible actions or choices you can make to achieve spiritual growth and happiness.

Whether you're seeking guidance on your career, relationships, personal growth, or any other issue that's important to you, Wendy's readings can help you gain the clarity and confidence you need to move forward. Book a session with Wendy today and discover the joy and fulfillment that comes with living your best life.

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Mediumship Session

Connect with your loved ones who have passed on with a mediumship session with Wendy Grace. As a gifted medium, Wendy will connect directly with your loved ones in spirit and convey their messages to you, providing comfort and closure.

A mediumship session can help you:

  • Find comfort and closure: Receive messages of love and reassurance from your loved ones in spirit, helping you find peace and closure in your grief.

  • Resolve painful thoughts and emotions: Clear away any unresolved emotions, such as guilt or regret, that may be preventing you from moving forward in your healing journey.

  • Process loss: Understand and come to terms with the loss of your loved one, and learn how to honor their memory in a way that feels meaningful to you.

Wendy's compassionate and empathetic approach to mediumship allows her to create a safe and nurturing environment for you to connect with your loved ones in spirit. Book a session with Wendy today to experience the healing power of mediumship.

***Readings and Healing Sessions are intended to be a supplement to and not a substitute for professional medical and/or mental care and treatment. In the case of serious ailments or conditions, you should consult your medical or mental health provider for advice.

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