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Awakening to a New World: How Listening to My Intuition Transformed My Life.

For a long time, I was a firm believer that if something couldn't be scientifically proven or verified, it wasn't worth considering. I dismissed anything that couldn't be logically explained as wishful thinking or nonsense.

My life was consumed by my career and family obligations. I was constantly racing to tick off boxes on my to-do list, from managing my household to meeting work deadlines. But despite all of this, I felt like something was missing. It was as if I was living someone else's life, not my own.

Then, a dear friend sent me information about a Reiki I class being taught at a local nursing school. I had been ignoring her prodding for years to explore my intuition and psychic abilities because of how uncomfortable it made me feel. Something about this class felt right. It was during this course that I began to awaken to a whole new world.

After moving through my discomfort and completing the Reiki class, I started exploring and expanding my natural abilities by taking classes in card reading, psychic and mediumship development, and energy healing. Looking back, I realize how many times I had ignored the signs and nudges to follow this path. Countless strangers had even asked me if I was a healer, but I never paid much attention.

By allowing my intuition to guide me and connecting the synchronicities, I created a whole new space in my life that is empowering, enriching, and authentic. I made time to observe and explore who I truly am, beyond the roles of a parent, partner, friend, or business woman.

If you feel like something is missing in your life, I encourage you to spend time alone and observe just being you. Discover what lies beneath the surface and pay attention to any signs or synchronicities that may come your way. Who knows, you may just discover a whole new world of possibilities that you never knew existed.

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